Uji Paparan Radiasi


The use of radiation facilities in hospitals can provide radiation exposure for health workers and patients. The amount of radiation exposure in the room or in the area where there is a radiation source must be measured correctly. Correct measurement must consider the type of radiation and the energy of the radiation source as well as the radiation measuring instrument. Therefore, in measuring radiation exposure, attention must be paid to the radioactive substances used by an agency. Does the radioactive substance or radiation generator used emit gamma, beta, alpha or neutron radiation. After the radioactive substance or radiation generator is known for sure, the radiation measuring instrument (surveymeter) must be adjusted to the radiation source. The specifications of the radiation measuring instrument must be considered, whether the energy of the radioactive substance or radiation generator is covered in the energy range that can be measured by the surveymeter or not. The next step is to pay attention to the position of the detector on the surveymeter. The detector must face the direction of the radiation coming from the radiation source.


Government Regulation No. 33 of 2007 concerning Ionizing Radiation Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources.

BAPETEN Head Regulation No. 4 of 2013 concerning Radiation Protection and Safety in the Utilization of Nuclear Energy.

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